“Teen Wolf” star Tyler Posey sat down to spill some details from upcoming episodes of the increasingly dark MTV hit, during TheWrap’s newest episode of “Drinking With the Stars” at The Grove’s Mixology.
Among some of the plot points discussed was the slowly developing connection between Kira (Arden Cho) and Scott (Posey), which was reinforced when it was revealed that Kira also has some supernatural abilities.
Also Read: ‘Teen Wolf’ Midseason Return Scares Up Series High Ratings
“The fact that they both get to figure out what Kira is together will completely make them connected,” Posey said, playing coy on whether the duo will eventually develop into something more than friends.
Posey also hit on another important relationship dynamic that has taken a recent turn this season, the one between Scott and Stiles (Dylan O’Brien).
See video: Comic-Con 2013: MTV’s ‘Teen Wolf’ Reveals New Season 3 Footage
“They’re kind of reversing roles a little bit, because Stiles is Scott’s rock, and right now Scott has to be there for Stiles.”
Watch the video above for more details on the developing relationships, and the very cool upcoming episode.
Below, find out more about how Scott’s relationship with his father has been affected by the recent turn of events!
“Teen Wolf” airs Mondays at 10/9c on MTV.