“Finding Forrester” (2000)
A writing prodigy finds an unlikely mentor in a reclusive author played by Sean Connery in this feel-good drama that won over first-weekend audiences.

“Monsters, Inc.” (2001)
Pixar animated hits like this one consistently get high marks from CinemaScore moviegoers.

“Antwone Fisher” (2002)
Denzel Washington plays a Navy shrink treating a troubled sailor (Derek Luke).

“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” (2002)
The second film in the eight-film saga won a grade that would have pleased Hermione — though all the others rated an A– or better.

“Finding Nemo” (2003)
Another beloved Pixar hit.

“The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” (2003)
The Oscar-winning finale of Peter Jackson’s J.R.R. Tolkien saga was the one ring that ruled them all.

“The Passion of the Christ” (2004)
Mel Gibson’s biblical epic won a passionate response from filmgoers.

“The Incredibles” (2004)
Another Pixar film that won over audiences in a superhero-size way.

“The Polar Express” (2004)
Tom Hanks’ CG conductor now looks a little creepy, but this holiday-set animated film was cutting edge at the time of its release.

“Dreamer” (2005)
A heart-tugging story about a racehorse who came back after breaking a leg is a natural to win high marks.

“Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005)
Tyler Perry’s early Madea film won over first-weekend audiences.

“Cinderella Man” (2005)
Ron Howard’s drama about a real-life boxer (Russell Crowe) knocked out moviegoers.

“The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” (2005)
The C.S. Lewis story ticked the right boxes for CinemaScore audiences with its appeal to both faith-based and family audiences.

“Akeelah and the Bee” (2006)
A girl from South Los Angeles tries to compete in the National Spelling Bee in this feel-good drama.

“Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married?” (2007)
CinemaScore grades tend to get a boost when super-fans turn out in force on opening weekend — like Tyler Perry enthusiasts.

“Up” (2009)
Filmgoer affection kept the score aloft for this Pixar hit.

“The Blind Side” (2009)
Sandra Bullock’s Oscar-winning feel-good drama blindsided audiences with its heartfelt true-life story.

“The King’s Speech” (2010)
Colin Firth’s true-life story of King George VI became the latest Oscar Best Picture winner to appeal to audiences as well.

“Tangled” (2010)
Disney’s spin on Rapunzel was just another one of its much-loved princess yarns.

“Soul Surfer” (2011)
Filmgoers latched onto a film about Bethany Hamilton, a surfer who got back on the board even after losing an arm in a shark attack.

“Courageous” (2011)
This faith-based indie about four cops who reassess their lives after a tragedy hit home with audiences.

“Dolphin Tale” (2011)
Family audiences flipped for this one.

“Sing 2” (2021)
Another animated hit conjures a lot of love.

“American Underdog” (2021)
The feel-good story of NFL quarterback Kurt Warner won over both faith-based audiences and football fans.

“Top Gun: Maverick” (2022)
More than 35 years after Tom Cruise first buzzed the skies in a fighter jet, the star returned for one of the biggest box office hits of all time.

“The Woman King” (2022)
Viola Davis’ historical action film about a group of 19th-century female warriors in Africa wowed both critics and audiences.