‘Morning Joe’ Says Republicans ‘Hate’ the US Military Because It’s Part of the Government: They’ve ‘Become Anti-American’ (Video)

“That’s their shtick now,” George Conway tells the MSNBC panel

“Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough had one major question on Tuesday morning: “Why do these Republicans hate the United States military so much?” For George Conway, the answer was simple – it’s because the military is part of the American government, and the GOP has “become anti-American.”

Scarbrough’s question came up as the panel discussed how Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville is actively blocking the confirmation of several senior military officers — to the point of ire from multiple service secretaries — because, according to Tuberville, “the military is top heavy” and there are already too many generals.

“Who said that? Nobody,” Scarborough mocked. “Nobody that knows anything about how strong our military is. Then you got Republicans saying we need to be more like the Russians, we need to be more manly like the Russians’ military. You’ve got you’ve got Republicans that say that our military is weak, and it’s woke, and Republicans saying that our our leaders are stupid and fat pigs. I mean, the insults just keep flying.”

When Scarborough questioned why it appears to be only Republicans hurling these words, panelist George Conway was direct.

“They hate the United States military because it’s part of the United States government,” Conway said. “And this is basically, the Republicans have become anti-American, anti-government, anti-the United States. That’s their shtick now.”

He continued, “That’s why you see them attacking law enforcement, the FBI, the Justice Department, state and federal prosecutors, and they attack the institutions that normally Republicans were very, very supportive of. And what, now, it’s just this nihilistic attack on American institutions.”

You can watch the full conversation from “Morning Joe” in the video above.
