‘Morning Joe’ Calls the End of Trump’s ‘Reality Show’: ‘Maybe the Doomsday Clock Has Ticked Back’ (Video)

New polls shows Gov. Ron DeSantis beating the former president by double digits in Republican primary

A pair of polls showing that Republicans favor Florida governor Ron DeSantis over Trump for the Republican primary gave “Morning Joe” reason to hope that Trump’s “reality show” is finally coming to an end on Thursday.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Gov. DeSantis would beat Trump by 14 points (52% versus 38%), should he choose to run. A Suffolk poll shows the former president trailing by an even wider margin of 23 points.

The numbers paint a picture of the former president “being rejected by some of the same Republican base that has stood by him for the past six years,” said “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski.

Joe Scarborough was cautiously optimistic that America is finally ready to put “the past six years,” which he called “the greatest threat to democracy,” in the past.

“I wonder if these polls suggest that maybe, just maybe, the doomsday clock has ticked back from five ’til 12 to 11:45,” he added.

Scarborough and Brzezinski also noted that Trump’s behavior over the past several weeks has “confirmed” everything that the left has “warned about, whether it was his racism, his antisemitism, whether it was his bigotry.”

Brzezinski specifically pointed to his dinner with Holocaust denier and white supremacist Nick Fuentes (as well as Kanye “Ye” West) and his expressed “desire to cancel the Constitution because he lost the 2020 election.”

Panelist and historian John Meacham said the potential demise of Trump “could be exciting for democracy,” but that there’s a lot of work to be done on both sides of the aisle.

“Because the worst did not happen, it’s going to be incumbent on thoughtful, engaged citizens to bear in mind how close we have come to the abyss,” he said. “It’s going to be easy for those in the enabling caucus to say, ‘You were exaggerating.’”

He continued, “Democracy is entirely a human enterprise, and it’s as fragile and fallible as we are … If we don’t recognize each other as inherently equal and dignified, the enterprise collapses.”

But getting rid of Trump is a good start, he said. “You just have to believe something other than, ‘I should be in power.’ And that’s what the 45th president believes.”
