‘Morning Joe’ Accuses Pro-Trump Republicans of ‘Shamelessness’ After Impeachment Inquiry Vote

Former GOP Rep. Joe Scarborough laid into his party

On Friday morning, the hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” looked back on how the impeachment inquiry into President Trump is going, labeling the GOP shameless in its handling of the situation.

“We’ve heard grave warnings this week about wild conspiracies profiting off the presidency and the one person in Washington turning the country upside-down,” said Mika Brzezinski.

“Only those warnings weren’t about President Trump. They weren’t at President Trump and they weren’t coming from the Democrats.”

After rolling clips of Republicans criticizing the impeachment inquiry and officials involved in it, Brzezinski suggested “that could be called ‘the art of projection.’”

Joe Scarborough cut in: “It could also be called ‘shamelessness.’”

The former GOP representative noted, “Back in the late ’90s, during the last impeachment, there were a lot of Republicans who talked about ‘the death of shame.’ Even the New Republic talked about ‘the death of shame.’ Well, here we are 20 years later and there you see it among people who actually act like they’re in a personality cult, people who have spent their entire life enriched by their father’s last name.”

He called it “breathtaking” that Republicans would vote against even an inquiry into “whether the Commander-in-Chief compromised national security.”

Ultimately, Scarborough said, it’s “just sad.”

“But you know what? That’s how they’ll be remembered by history and it’s not going to be pretty,” he concluded.
