More Than 100,000 RSVP for Stewart, Colbert D.C. Rallies on Facebook

Oct. 30 turnout on the National Mall could eclipse Glenn Beck’s recent rally

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s planned Washington rallies are still more than a month away, but if Facebook is any indication, they can expect a huge turnout — one that could eclipse “Restoring Honor,” Glenn Beck’s evangelical gathering that inspired the Comedy Central duo to do their own.

More than 100,000 people have RSVP’d for Stewart’s "Rally to Restore Sanity” on Facebook — and another 1,900 say they “might” attend.

Colbert’s “March to Keep Fear Alive” has drawn close to 40,000 Facebook RSVPs, with presumably a majority of those planning to attend both events. (More than 15,000 say they “might” attend Colbert’s “March.”)

Beck drew anywhere between 78,000 and 500,000 — depending who you ask — for his August 28 Lincoln Memorial rally that featured a speech by Sarah Palin.

Stewart and Colbert have yet to secure a permit for their October 30 events. According to their permit application (via Politico) they expect a crowd of 25,000. (A spokesman for the National Park service, told the Washington Post he expects the permit will be approved.)

Of course, as anyone who has used Facebook to promote a party knows, just because you say you’re attending, doesn’t mean you will – particularly if it involves a plane, train or bringing your own alcohol.

But Stewart and Colbert still have more than a month to promote their D.C. Mischief Day.
