Monica Lewinsky Brilliantly Responds to HBO Max Intern’s Viral Email Mistake: ‘It Gets Better’

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there

monica lewinsky

After an HBO Max intern accidentally sent a bizarre test email to the streamer’s mailing list late Thursday night, droves of Twitter users are sharing their own workplace mistakes in solidarity — including infamous former intern Monica Lewinsky.

Lewinsky is a pro at making lemonade (aka viral tweets) out of lemons (aka her affair with President Bill Clinton and the ensuing impeachment trial and media circus). Her contribution to the trending “Dear Intern” hashtag was no exception.

“Dear intern, it gets better. p.s. don’t wear a beret for awhile, k?” she tweeted on Friday, referencing her trademark style accessory around the time of the scandal.

Although the average intern screw-up isn’t nearly as public as Lewinsky’s, Twitter users bravely offered their own relatable flubs as consolation to the unidentified HBO Max intern.

Check out some of the highlights below.
