‘Mom’ Sneak Peek: Christy, Bonnie and Violet Get Tense on the Therapist’s Couch (Video)

CBS sitcom serves up a pre-holiday dose of family dysfunction

Nothing says the holiday season like a hyper-awkward family therapy session. At least, that’s the way it is on the CBS sitcom “Mom.”

The Chuck Lorre series continues its tradition of mixing uncomfortable topics with laughs on Thursday’s episode, “Free Therapy and a Dead Lady’s Yard Sale.”

In the episode, Violet (Sadie Calvano), who’s engaged in a bout of reckless behavior after giving up her baby for adoption, enters therapy to deal with her issues.

Of course, Violet’s emotional issues didn’t develop in a vacuum, so mother Christy (Anna Faris) and grandmother Bonnie (Allison Janney) are called onto the couch as well.
