Mindy Kaling’s upcoming HBO Max comedy series “The Sex Lives of College Girls” has found its four leads, the streamer announced Wednesday.
“The King of Staten Island” actress Pauline Chalamet, “The D Cut’s” Amrit Kaur, and Broadway stars Renee Rapp and Alyah Chanelle Scott will star in the series as four roommates randomly assigned to a dorm at a prestigious New England college. HBO Max picked up 13 episodes of the comedy last year.
Chalamet will play Kimberly, the valedictorian of her high school in the Arizona suburbs who is described as “Smart, caring, earnest, and ambitious, she’s prepared for college academically — but not so much socially.”
Kaur will play Bela, a “comedy-obsessed, super confident cornball from the affluent suburbs of northern New Jersey who is never afraid to say what she’s thinking.” Per HBO Max, “She describes herself as “extremely sex-positive” — even though she had sex for the first time 14 days ago.”
Rapp will play Leighton, a wealthy four-generation legacy from the Upper East Side, who “would describe herself as a normal, classy girl from a great family,” though others see her as “blunt, judgmental, and beyond entitled.”
Scott’s character Whitney is “strong and self-assured with a dry sense of humor,” the soon-to-be star of the Essex soccer team, and the only daughter of the most powerful Black senator in the country.
Kaling co-wrote the first episode of the series with showrunner Justin Noble, a veteran of her Netflix comedy “Never Have I Ever.” Howard Klein also serves as an executive producer on the series, which hails from Kaling International and Warner Bros. Television.