Looking for nude pictures of Lily Collins on the internet?
First of all, you’re a pervert — and you should get back to work before your boss catches you.
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Secondly, be careful, because your computer just might catch a virus from your search.
The “Mirror Mirror” star tops anti-virus software company McAfee’s annual list of celebrities who are likely to give your computer a virus, replacing “Harry Potter” actress Emma Watson, who took first place on last year’s list.
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According to McAfee, doing an internet search for “Lily Collins” paired with “free app download” and “nude pictures” will give you more than a 14.5 percent chance of hitting a website that’s tested positive for spyware, adware, spam, viruses and and other yucky things that will really gum up your web-surfing experience.
“Sk8er Boi” singer Avril Lavigne took second place on the list, with a 12.7 percent chance of putting your computer in danger of a virus.
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Sandra Bullock rounds out the Top 3 most virus-prone celebrities, with a 10.8 percent chance of potentially infecting your computer.
Not surprisingly at all for anyone familiar with how the internet works, the list is dominated by women. The “Mad Men” star is the lone male entry among the Top 10, but given the way Don Draper screws around, did you really think that catching a virus isn’t a danger? (By the way, you run a 10 percent risk of possible infection if you search for Hamm combined with the right — or wrong — search phrases.)
Because we know you’re wondering, twerk-happy songbird Miley Cyrus is No. 20 on the list.
And you probably thought it was a coincidence that “Cyrus” rhymes with “virus”…