Mike Cernovich’s ‘5-Year Statute of Limitations on All Offensive Content’ Doesn’t Extend to James Gunn

Cernovich, however, dismisses sexist comments from Tucker Carlson because they are “too old”

Mike Cernovich
60 Minutes

Mike Cernovich says he isn’t interested in old recordings of Tucker Carlson belittling women or rationalizing statutory rape, as they fall beyond the five-year statute of limitations. That rule, however, doesn’t seem to apply when the topic shifts to Disney’s rehiring of “Guardians of the Galaxy” director James Gunn, who was fired after his decade-old tweets joking about pedophilia resurfaced.

“Cernovich has a 5-year statute of limitations on all offensive content,” he said, speaking of himself in third person in a video tweet on Monday. “I won’t listen to Tucker Carlson video because it doesn’t matter, too old.”

“Literally if you commit most crimes other than murder there’s a statute of limitations,” he continued. “If Fox News holds strong and just says we’re just not going to fire Tucker, it’s just over, then it’s a new era. It’s a new era for conservatives.”

But Friday, Cernovich spoke differently when it was announced that Disney was reinstating Gunn to write and direct “Guardians of the Galaxy 3” — eight months after online critics discovered years-old tweets in which Gunn joked about rape and pedophilia, and was subsequently fired.

Despite his proposed “statute of limitations,” Cernovich complained vociferously on Twitter after the Gunn decision.

“If you think Gunn getting rehired hurts me rather than children, you’re a sick person and part of the problem,” the conspiracy theorist said in a tweet. “I’ll continue doing my journalism and winning!” He also spent much of Friday retweeting many of Gunn’s past remarks.

When asked about the contradiction of his position, Cernovich said the issue was one of universal applicability.

“I’ll apply the same rules to conservatives like Tucker Carlson as Margaret Sullivan and Erik Wemple apply to liberals,” he told TheWrap. “Once everyone agrees to the 5-year rule, then that rule shall be applied to all.”

“When the left finds bad tweets from a conservative, that’s journalism. When a conservative or someone on the right funds seeming pedo tweets from a Disney employee who directs children’s movies that’s ‘bad faith’ and ‘weaponized outrage,” he added.

Several recordings surfaced last Sunday of Carlson’s 2006-2011 appearances on the shock jock’s radio show, in which the future Fox News host said women enjoy being told to “be quiet and kind of do what you’re told,” suggested that statutory rape isn’t like “pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting” them, and said that Iraq is “filled with a bunch of, you know, semiliterate primitive monkeys.”
