Michelle Shocked Addresses Anti-Gay Comments on Twitter; Recording Surfaces (Audio)

Michelle Shocked claims she was being ironic when telling fans to tweet she said "God hates" homosexuals 

Michelle Shocked, the born-again Christian folk rocker who reportedly made homophobic statements during a San Francisco concert on Sunday, has taken to Twitter to refute the audience's interpretation of her comments.

Getty Images“I’m neither against a woman's right to choose nor gay marriage," she tweeted on Tuesday in response to another Twitter user. "Am a fundamentalist tho.”

Also read: Hillary Clinton Endorses Gay Marriage (Video)

Following her St. Patrick's Day show at the club Yoshi's, the musician made headlines for saying same-sex marriage "will be the downfall of civilization." It was reported that she added,"You can go on Twitter and say ‘Michelle Shocked says God hates [epithet for gays]."

When one Twitter user suggested Shocked meant the latter comment to be ironic, she confirmed the speculation by stating, "instinct about irony 100% accurate." And a recording of the incident, which the San Francisco Bay Guardian recently posted, may support her claim.

Her statements about homosexuality, however, are still puzzling. 

"I was in a prayer meeting yesterday and you gotta appreciate how scared folks on that side of the equation are," Shocked told the audience. "I mean, from their vantage point — and I really shouldn't say 'their' because it's mine, too — we're nearly at the end of time."

"From our vantage point, we're going to be — I think maybe Chinese water torture is going to be the means; the method," she continued. "Once Prop 8 gets instated and once preachers are held at gunpoint and forced to marry the homosexuals, I'm pretty sure that will be the signal for Jesus to come on back."

"You said you wanted reality," she quipped, causing laughter in the audience. "If someone would be so gracious as to please tweet out, 'Michelle Shocked just said from stage 'God hates f—-ts."

It wasn't until after she dropped the derogatory term that the audience started to turn on her. 

"I ain't scared," she responded to one man who correctly pointed out "there's going to be a lot of talking about that."

"This is not a tribunal. This is one woman's opinion," she continued. "And it's fun. It's a lot of fun."

When one woman in the audience suggested the singer "get wise" because everyone is deserving of God's love, Shocked opted to respond away from the microphone.

"I am sick of Christians filled with hypocrisy, hiding behind the symbol of a cross," she yelled.

Confused yet? The audience sure was.

"We're confused," one woman can be heard saying. Another asks, "Can you clarify?"

"I believe that the word of God is just what it says it is — the truth," she responded before saying something (what Yahoo Music reported to be Old Testament Bible verses) in Spanish.

Ultimately, Shocked never really did clarify what she was trying to say, but said on Twitter she plans on giving the "truth" to Nicole Sandler, the host of a Florida-based podcast, on Thursday morning. 

Whether or not Shocked really was intending to make anti-gay statements, many have already made up their minds that she was. Billboard is reporting that 10 out of the 11 remaining venues hosting her U.S. tour have canceled her shows. Some of those venues, like Meander's Kitchen in Seattle, explained the reason for doing so.

"Meander's Kitchen will not be hosting Michelle Shocked for her April 26th performance in Seattle due to her homophobic performance in San Francisco last night, during which she actually said "God Hates F–s," a message on the club's Facebook page read. "I'll post more about this later. But no. Just, no."

Listen to the entire 23-minute exchange below:
