Michelle Obama got “turnt up” during a Vine Q&A forum hosted by The White House on Tuesday. The First Lady was fielding questions about her “Let’s Move” campaign when online user Alphacat playfully asked her, “How many calories do you burn every time you ‘turn up’?!
Mrs. Obama responded with a video of herself holding a turnip and dancing to DJ Snake and Lil Jon’s popular song, “Turn Down For What.”
“Hey, Alphacat. The First Lady wants to know…#TurnipForWhat? #AskTheFirstLady #TD4W,” the caption read in her response.
The Vine video has been liked over 40,000 times and the hashtag #TurnipForWhat was trending on Twitter on Wednesday morning.
See video: 6th Grader Disappointed That President Obama Visited Her School Instead of Beyoncé
Obama only answered three questions total from the forum, including a question about what her favorite fall vegetable is.
It’s a sweet potato. Sorry, turnips.
Watch Michelle Obama’s Vine video below.