Filmmaker Michael Moore shared his own “declaration” on Monday, July 4, calling out the Supreme Court’s recent decision that overturned Roe vs. Wade and ended federal protection for abortion rights.
“I cannot in good conscience continue to receive the privileges of ‘full citizenship’ in this land when all of its women and girls have now been, by Court decree, declared official second-class citizens with no rights to their own bodies and conscripted to a life of Forced Birth should they fall pregnant and not want to be,” Moore shared in his Substack post on Monday.
After opening his piece by affirming his support for the values of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness,” he called out white supremacy.
“I refuse to live in a country threatened by white supremacy — and I’m not leaving. So we‘ve got a problem,” Moore wrote.
Across his piece, Moore addressed four main issues of concern: white supremacy, women as second class citizens, mass incarceration of Black Americans, and removing Republicans from office.
He went beyond pointing out those issues, proposing action, including speaking up about women’s rights until it is no longer necessary. “And I won’t stop until Roe is reinstated and 51% of Congress is female,” he promised.
Moore also pledged to help promote a Get Out the Vote drive among the followers of his podcast and Substack column.
As he continued, Moore addressed what he wants in a candidate as America heads into its latest election cycle.
“No candidate will get our support unless they sign a pledge stating they will vote to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land; make gerrymandering and voter suppression illegal; eliminate the filibuster; upgrade Obamacare to Universal Health Care for All; pass strong gun control laws; and end the police executions and racist incarcerations of Black citizens,” he shared.
The filmmaker and activist concluded his post by suggesting a “national strike.”
“And if we want to see immediate change, watch what happens when we shut down even 10% of the country. POOF! goes Wall Street! Hit ‘em where it counts,” he concluded.
Read Moore’s piece here.