Michael Moore Gets Senior Citizens to Talk Dirty for Obama (Video)

"Bowling for Columbine" filmmaker Michael Moore enlists senior citizens for salty-tongued message about voter suppression

Nothing like a bunch of foul-mouthed senior citizens to elevate the level of political discourse.

Filmmaker/muckraker Michael Moore has made a bawdy new addition to the back-and-forth conversation leading up to next week's presidential election, co-writing and co-producing a public-service announcement that employs a selection of old folks making salty-tongued pleas on President Obama's behalf.

Also read: Michael Moore's New Plan: Eliminate the Oscar Documentary Rules

Well, not directly on Obama's behalf — the PSA, which was created for the website VotersRising.org, addresses the topic of voter suppression. But the oldsters make it abundantly clear — if Republican nominee Mitt Romney gains office through shifty means, they're not going to be happy.

"I want the Republican party to know, if your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama, we're going to burn this motherfucker down," one woman notes.

Also read: Michael Moore on the "Dark Knight" Shooting: "We Are a Violent Nation" (Exclusive)

"If the Republicans steal this election, I'm going to track down Romney and give him the world's biggest cock-punch … right in the nut sack," another woman vows.

Meanwhile, one man of seasoned age vows to watch Republicans having sex from the afterlife, "no matter how kinky."

Watch Moore's potty-mouthed PSA (WARNING: NSFW language) below.

