Mehmet Oz Blames Wegmans Name Mix-Up on Campaign Exhaustion: ‘I’ve Gotten My Kids’ Names Wrong as Well’ (Video)

“I don’t think that’s a measure of someone’s ability to lead the commonwealth,” Oz said

Mehmet Oz blamed his Wegmans name mix-up on exhaustion from campaigning — which he said has also led to slip-ups in his personal life.

“I was exhausted,” Oz told Newsmax anchor Shaun Kraisman, noting that he was campaigning 18 hours a day. “Listen, I’ve gotten my kids’ names wrong as well.”

Oz, who will face off against Democrat John Fetterman for Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate seat in November, recently came under fire after filming a video saying he was at “Wegner’s,” confusing the names of grocery stores Wegmans and Redner’s.

In response, Oz defended his mistake, noting that the slip-up is not “a measure of someone’s ability to lead the commonwealth.”
