Megyn Kelly Says Trump ‘Has Zero Chance of Winning’ His Stormy Daniels Hush Money Case | Video

The podcast host believes that the former president will get “the same kind of jury” seen with E. Jean Carroll — they’re “going to hate him”

Megyn Kelly predicted on Tuesday that former president Donald Trump, who just lost a second defamation trial against E. Jean Carroll, will also strike out with the jury who hears the case in which he is accused of illegally paying $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Speaking on her eponymous podcast, Kelly bemoaned the outcome of Carroll’s case, exclaiming, “This is the same kind of jury that he’s going to get on the Stormy Daniels hush money. He has a zero chance of winning.”

The “hush money” trial is set to begin on March 25 in New York. Trump is facing 34 criminal counts for the alleged payment to Daniels to cover up his affair with her. Prosecutors say he tried to write off the money to his former lawyer Michael Cohen as legal expenses.

Kelly, a staunch conservative, also said that watching Carroll “celebrating this absurd verdict” with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is “stomach-turning.” She added that the verdict was a “political hit from the beginning.”

As she told guest Glenn Beck, “They make her [E. Jean Carroll] like she’s the champion … I love the revisionist history, like she was just this woman who was unfairly targeted by Trump … When in fact, again, it is believed that the law was changed in New York in order to allow this lawsuit against Trump by a Democrat who hates Trump.”

She then compared Carroll to Christine Blaisey Ford, who testified at Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court that the judge sexually assaulted her in the 1980s, calling both cases “an astroturf movement.”

As you may recall, in 2014 Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson sued then-chairman Roger Ailes for sexual harassment, a lawsuit sooned joined by several other women working at the network. In 2016, following her exit from Fox News, Kelly revealed in her memoir that she was also sexually harassed by Ailes, though she didn’t take part in the lawsuit, and later said she regretted not doing more.

The landmark case inspired the 2019 movie “Bombshell,” in which Charlize Theron played Kelly.

The Daniels case is only one of several cases and upcoming trial dates for Trump: He is also due in court on charges in Florida that he misappropriated classified documents after he left the White House; federal charges of attempting to overturn the results of the 2016 election; and state charges in Georgia for additional election interference.

Trump tried to have the criminal prosecution in the Daniels case moved from state court into federal court, a bid he finally dropped in November.

Watch the full segment from “The Megyn Kelly Show” in the video above.

This article was edited after publication to correct the description of Kelly’s relationship to the lawsuit against Roger Ailes.
