Meghan McCain Annihilates GOP Congressional Candidate for Mansplaining Her ‘Political Identity’

“I know who I am and what I believe. I don’t know why this is so threatening to some men such as yourself,” “The View” cohost responds to Arizona’s Josh Barnett

Meghan McCain

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain was in a “put up your dukes” mood Saturday when a GOP congressional hopeful questioned her definition of “hardcore conservative” after she said Elizabeth Warren deserves respect for being a woman getting into the political arena who “fights as hard as” Warren did.

The Twitter exchange was instigated after McCain tweeted a video clip Thursday of Warren suspending her presidential campaign.

“Any woman who gets in the arena and fights as hard as Elizabeth Warren did deserves respect (and I’m a hardcore conservative),” McCain wrote. “It is not an even playing field for us against men and I hope some day it finally will be. She also skillfully nuked Bloomberg from@space in the debates.”

Saturday morning, Josh Barnett, who is running for Congress in 2020 in McCain’s home state of Arizona and a pro-Trump Republican, responded to McCain. “I think your definition of ‘hardcore conservative’ and my definition of it are not the same,” he tweeted.

It took no time at all for McCain to fire back, “Yeah if sucking trumps ass every second, of every day, you’re right, I’m not.”

Barnett tried to explain himself, tweeting, “What I said was not meant to be an ‘attack’ by any means. People always trying to make something out of nothing.”

But McCain, in rare form, shot back again.

“I think you should take a look at how you just manspalined to me my political identity,” McCain wrote. “I am a national conservative co-host of the most watched American daytime talk show. I know who I am and what I believe. I don’t know why this is so threatening to some men such as yourself.”

Just to make sure she was perfectly clear that he was sparring with an Arizonian who, therefore, was a constituent of his, she added, “Also pro tip for you congressional race. There are a lot of conservative women like me in Arizona and across the country…”

And, with that, she dropped the mic.

You can read their exchange below:
