“True Detective,” the drama series starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, will premiere in January, a spokeswoman for the network told TheWrap on Thursday.
The series, which is written by Nic Pizzolatto (“The Killing”) and directed by Cary Fukunaga (“Jane Eyre”), stars McConaughey and Harrelson as detectives Rust Cohle and Martin Hart, respectively. The detectives’ paths cross as they both try to solve a 17-year-old murder mystery in Louisiana.
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The eight-episode first season begins with the 1995 murder and picks up years later when the case is reopened. Further seasons would introduce new stories and characters, along the lines of what FX has done with its anthology series “American Horror Story.”
A trailer for “True Detective” will premiere on HBO on Sunday, prior to the season premiere of “Boardwalk Empire.”