Matt Damon is a man on a mission to save his life — and the life of a young girl — in the new extended trailer for "Elysium."
Damon's character is just trying to live a normal life on what is left of Earth in the year 2154 when he gets stuck in what looks like a deadly radioactive chamber at work. He will die of cancer in five days unless he can find a way onto Elysium — a massive space station where the wealthy live in luxury with access to high-tech medical care and without the poverty, war and sickness that plague Earth.
See video: 'Elysium' Trailer: Matt Damon Fights for the Future's 99 Percent
With the help of a powerful robotic exoskeloton mounted to his body, Damon hijacks a government spaceship to sneak onto the inpenetrable Elysium where he can "override the whole system."
Writer and director Neill Blomkamp's follow-up to "District 9" lands in theaters on Aug. 9. Here's the latest look at the upcoming sci-fi spectacle: