“Marvel’s Spider-Man 2” game will feature the black suit Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Venom, Kraven, the Lizard, and likely more fan-favorite characters in a sequel that’s looking jam-packed with content.
In the game’s debut gameplay preview on Wednesday, it’s shown that players can swap between the two major Spider-Men. Miles is packing his electric abilities from his standalone game, “Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales,” while Peter Parker’s Spidey has the fresh addition of symbiote powers, meaning oily tendril attacks are on the menu. The trailer also hinted that the black suit will give a bit of an edge to Parker’s personality. The jury’s out on whether he’ll put dirt in anyone’s eyes as he did in the Sam Raimi “Spider-Man 3” days.
Based on the gameplay shown, it looks like players can expect a similar experience to 2018’s “Marvel’s Spider-Man,” which at the time was a PS4 exclusive before later making its way to PS5 and PC. Much like its predecessor, the sequel will feature elaborate, high-octane set pieces that likely took a mammoth amount of development time to produce.
There’s still no firm release date for the PS5 game, only a placeholder of Fall 2023. Often in the gaming industry, a placeholder date can represent a target rather than a commitment, meaning delays are still on the table. However, Fall 2023 is only a few months away, so there’s a not insubstantial chance Sony and Insomniac are confident they can deliver within the frame and are holding off on a firm release date until they’re certain the technical finishing touches will be ready to go in time for a smooth launch.
There’s also no word on what special editions of the game may (or may not) become available. The only assumption that can confidently be made at this point is that a standard edition will release for $70 before the end of 2023 rolls around.
Sony didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Watch the video above.