South Korean actor Ma Dong-seok, also known as Don Lee, will make his American film debut in Marvel Studios’ “The Eternals,” which focuses on a group of ancient human beings, an individual with knowledge of the project exclusively told TheWrap.
Details about the role for the actor, who broke out in 2016’s South Korean zombie apocalypse action thriller “Train to Busan,” are being kept under wraps.
“The Rider” director Chloe Zhao will direct the film. Matthew and Ryan Firpo (“Ruin”) are writing the script. Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige is producing.
Created by comic legend Jack Kirby in 1976, the Eternals are a race of ancient human beings created a million years ago by the cosmic entities known as the Celestials.
According to ComicVine, the Celestials accelerated the evolution of a handful of subjects and gave them the genetic potential to mentally manipulate limited quantities of cosmic energy, as well as other superhuman traits.
The story will focus on the female Eternal known as Sersi, (no, not the character on “Game of Thrones”), several insiders have told TheWrap. Angelina Jolie is currently in talks for the role. “Big Sick” star Kumail Nanjiani is also in talks to join the film.
“We have started working on what are the films post-phase 3,” Feige previously told TheWrap, referencing the forthcoming fourth part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s slate of movies after the wind-down of franchises based on the original Avengers.
Marvel had no comment.
Ma Dong-seok’s other roles include “The Outlaws, “Champion,” and “Unstoppable.” Ma is repped by Gersh.