Proof That Mark Zuckerberg Was Least-Excited Harvard Admit Ever (Video)

The Facebook CEO posts clip of his hilariously mellow Harvard acceptance

Mark Zuckerberg
Getty Images

We officially have video of the least-excited person to ever be accepted to Harvard — and it comes courtesy of Mark Zuckerberg, who posted a video on Facebook of when he found out he got in, back in 2002.

“Yay, I got accepted,” said Young Zuck, in a tone more in-line with confirming a dental appointment than finding out you were accepted to one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

His dad — who was recording the video — was a little more hyped, letting out a loud, “Alright!”

Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard his sophomore year to focus on Facebook, but will be returning next week to get his degree and give the commencement speech.

Check out the full video below.
