Why Mark Ruffalo Didn’t Want to Play Larry Kramer in ‘The Normal Heart’ at First

The Oscar-nominated actor talks with EmmyWrap about the battle to get Kramer’s AIDS play adapted, and finding the love in the feisty activist

Matt Bomer and Mark Ruffalo in "The Normal Heart"

BILLBOBTHORNTON-EMMYWRAP-2012This story originally appeared in EmmyWrap: Movies/Miniseries.

At the age of 17, Mark Ruffalo figured he knew a thing or two. He’d left the wrestling program at his high school and switched to the drama department for his senior year, acting in plays and hanging out in a community that included one openly gay choreographer. “He was the only gay person that I thought I’d ever known in my life,” Ruffalo said with a laugh. “And the only gay person that I thought lived in Virginia Beach at the time.”

Late in the school year, Ruffalo told TheWrap, he learned differently.

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