Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene called for President Joe Biden’s impeachment – and once again, a red state secession – over his surprise Kyiv visit on Monday.
“We need a national divorce,” Greene tweeted. “We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”
Earlier Monday, Greene claimed that Biden “chose Ukraine over America” by visiting the wartime nation on a federal holiday.
“Today on our President’s Day, Joe Biden, the President of the United States chose Ukraine over America, while forcing the American people to pay for Ukraine’s government and war,” Greene tweeted. “I can not express how much Americans hate Joe Biden.”
She went on to express frustration that Ukraine’s President Zelensky “can’t even wear a tie as he greets the President of the United States,” adding, “He gladly takes our money in sweat shirts and t-shirts, but Biden is dressed up. So insulting.”
And unsurprisingly, most of Twitter did not appreciate the MAGA congresswoman’s hot takes with one user making it personal: “Just because you got a divorce doesn’t mean everyone should.”
Of course, a few of her social media followers agreed with Greene, with one even stating that “a good divorce beats a bad marriage any day of the week” and “it’s time for us to go [our] separate ways.”
Most Twitter users, however, called out the harmful ignorance behind Greene’s call – as well as the dark irony of her posting a “national divorce” tweet on President’s Day.

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A lot of users pointed out the weak points in Greene’s argument, as she herself lives Georgia, a state that’s turning increasingly blue.
Some people joked that the congresswoman should just move to Russia.
And others, still, took Greene’s tweet as an invitation to comment on her recent divorce, making the political more personal.