March for Our Lives demonstrations across the country brought out scores of stars, who offered their talent, support and praise for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who are calling for Congress to enact stricter gun-control laws in response to the string of campus shootings.
Here are just a few of the celebrities who joined in the spirit of the event:
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) March 24, 2018
Backstage at the March, with our future
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) March 24, 2018
Surrounded by heroines! Lucky to be here at this moment in history with the ones I love! #MarchForOurLives
— Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) March 24, 2018
Heading to #MarchForOurLives in this charismatic blouse thanks to @ChrisAblesArt #LosAngeles
LET’S DO THIS 🇺🇸— Nick Offerman (@Nick_Offerman) March 24, 2018
Woke up today w/hope in my heart
cuz of u.
On my way 2lift my voice 4a safer America
cuz of u.
Never let anyone tell ur voice is small or too young or doesn't matter:
u ARE the future. U are leading the way.
&I am so happy to be in ur hands.#Letters2Kids#MarchForOurLives ❤️— Bellamy Young (@BellamyYoung) March 24, 2018
Marching for the future of my children, our children and future children. Enough is enough. #stopgunviolence #weneedchange #marchforourlives 🚫☮️💗
— Molly Sims (@MollyBSims) March 24, 2018
Hey @GOP, you are being replaced. Not only in November 2018, but by an entire generation who will not stand for your corrupt subservience to special interests like the gun lobby. Get on board with change or get out of the way. The future is here.#MarchForOurLives
— Beau Willimon (@BeauWillimon) March 24, 2018
I'm marching today in honor of my friend Ronni Chasen, a victim of gun violence
— Diane Warren (@Diane_Warren) March 24, 2018
I stand in solidarity with students, teachers, parents, friends and families across the country! #MarchForOurLivesLA Now you march…next we VOTE! #MarchForOurLives @AMarch4OurLives
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) March 24, 2018
The Los Angeles March for Our Lives is beautiful. Our children did this. All around the country. They can’t be stopped.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) March 24, 2018
This is how my loving mom is celebrating her 84th birthday today. #marchforourlives #notonemore. If our elected officials don’t act to prevent gun violence, we will #throwthemout. Make sure you’re ready to show up at the polls in November. Text FIGHT to 788-683
— Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) March 24, 2018
Proud of all the kids sharing their message of peace 2day 🙏🏿 Protect kids, not guns! Use your voice n let’s fix this #IWillMarch #MarchForOurLives
— Snoop Dogg (@SnoopDogg) March 24, 2018
Out marching with the kids and families. And thinking. 60 years ago schoolchildren were trained to get under their desks and hide from the Russians. Now we're training them again to hide. And this time from Americans. Something's wrong here. My heart and hopes are with the kids.
— Alan Alda (@alanalda) March 24, 2018
I am proud to support the amazingly brave, strong and incredible students behind #marchforourlives as they march today in Washington, DC to end gun violence in schools and communities around the country. Please join them and learn how to help
— Abigail Breslin (SOPHOMORE) (@yoabbaabba) March 24, 2018
Here’s to the girls and boys that want to make a difference. Here’s to the kids who value each other’s lives. Here’s to change. #MarchForOurLives
— Laurie Hernandez (@LaurieHernandez) March 24, 2018
Hey it’s @evilhag at #MarchForOurLives in DC!
— Adam Scott (@mradamscott) March 24, 2018
Proud to march in solidarity.
— Billy Crystal (@BillyCrystal) March 24, 2018
For all those marching don't let anyone tell you that what you are doing isn't important. My heart is with you. My body is in transport from Sarasota to Daytona Beach. Thanks so much for #MarchForOurLives Sent to all of you with my deepest admiration and respect.
— Lewis Black (@TheLewisBlack) March 24, 2018
You are wrong, Chris Mathews, this #MarchForOurLives is not just about keeping our SCHOOLS safe from gun violence. It is about keeping our COMMUNITIES safe from gun violence.
— Paula Poundstone (@paulapoundstone) March 24, 2018
George Bernard Shaw said, “Youth is wasted on the young.” He should have met these inspirational young people. They’re not wasting anything.
– Tom Bergeron (@Tom_Bergeron) March 24, 2018