Man Storms Press Gallery After Trump Attacks Media During Pennsylvania Rally | Video

Police subdued the attacker with a taser

Man arrested after trying to storm media galley during Trump rally
Man arrested after trying to storm media galley during Trump rally (Justin Merriman/Getty Images)

Moments after Donald Trump bashed media outlets during a rally in Pennsylvania on Friday, a man in the audience stormed the nearby press gallery until being subdued by police.

Trump proceeded to joke about the incident after the man was carried off by law enforcement, telling the crowd, “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?”

The incident occurred in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where Trump was speaking at an event put on by the extremist right-wing activist group Moms for Liberty. During the speech, which according to multiple reports mainly consisted of the rambling that is typical for his events, Trump complained about negative media coverage and accused CNN of “fawning” over Kamala Harris in an interview the night before.

Moments later, the man, who as of this writing remains unidentified, jumped over a bicycle rack and ran toward the press area. Once there, he started climbing the riser leading to where television crews were stationed. Police surrounded him and eventually tased him before leading him away.

You can see a video recording of part of the incident below:

According to the Associated Press, another man in the crowd was handcuffed and escorted out by police shortly after for reasons that aren’t known at this time.


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