The Wagner/Cuban Company's Magnet Releasing, genre arm of Magnolia Pictures, announced Wednesday that it has acquired domestic rights to "Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil."
The horror comedy debuted at Sundance. Directed by Eli Craig and starring Alan Tudyk ("Serenity") and Katrina Bowden ("30 Rock"), centers on two best friends on vacation at their dilapidated Appalachian mountain cabin, who are mistaken for murderous backwoods hillbillies by a group of obnoxious college kids. When one of the students gets separated from her friends, the boys try to lend a hand, but as the misunderstanding grows, so does the body count.
"Tucker & Dale" won the Midnight Audience Award at SXSW, the Jury Prize for First Feature at Fantasia, the Best Director award at Fantaspoa, and the Best Motion Picture Award at Sitges.
Magnet plans to release in its Ultra VOD program, debuting the films on all VOD platforms nationwide on August 26th, prior to a theatrical release on September 30th.