‘Mad Men’s’ Don Draper Was Right: The Rolling Stones Did Make a Cereal Commercial (Video)

The Stones wrote and recorded a 1964 ode to the snap, crackle and pop of Rice Krispies for a British TV commercial

Once again, "Mad Men" storylines include some ripped-from-yesterday's-headlines elements: Don Draper's mention in Sunday's episode that the Rolling Stones did a cereal commercial is true.

The Stones recorded a catchy, and original, jingle for a Rice Krispies commercial that aired in England. Mick Jagger and his bandmates wrote and recorded the ode to the snap, crackle and pop goodness of the breakfast food in 1964, Spinner.com reports.

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In Sunday's episode, "Tea Leaves," Don and (Jon Hamm) and co-worker Harry (Rich Sommer) arranged a meeting with the Rolling Stones backstage at the band's concert at the Forest Hills Tennis Stadium in New York, where they hoped to convince the group to adopt their hit "Time Is on My Side" for a Heinz baked beans commercial.

The Rolling Stones did indeed play a July 1966 concert at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium, and "Time Is on My Side" was on the set list.

Also read: 'Mad Men' Season Premiere Song – 'Zou Bisou Bisou' – Out on iTunes (Video)

Watch the Rolling Stones' Rice Krispies commercial:
