Lou Dobbs Draws Backlash for Calling U.S. Generals ‘Snowflakes’

Dobbs lashed out at generals who criticized Donald Trump’s July 4 celebration

Lou Dobbs Fox Business
Gage Skidmore

Fox Business host Lou Dobbs drew a backlash on Twitter after he attacked U.S. generals who criticized Donald Trump’s Fourth of July celebration.

“No wonder these Snowflake Generals haven’t won a war since 1991,” wrote Dobbs in response to a CNN report saying that military chiefs and Pentagon officials were concerned that Trump’s event, which includes displays of M1 tanks and other military weaponry, was becoming too politicized. That would cause military members who attended the event to violate Department of Defense guidelines preventing them from engaging in political activity.

Dobbs’ tweet was met with anger from Trump critics, including progressive veterans activist group VoteVets, who pointed out that Dobbs has never served in the military.

Trump is expected to deliver a speech at the Lincoln Memorial during the event, breaking with tradition as past presidents have not made such speeches on Independence Day. Trump has also been criticized for diverting funds from the National Park Service to pay for the event, while the Republican National Committee is selling tickets to a special VIP area for the event.
