Lottery Winner Turns ‘Mini-Mogul’ With String of Little Movies

Cynthia Stafford's movies are low-profile, but the lotto winner insists she's enjoying her new life as a producer and financier

If Megan Ellison shows what a very, very rich person with a yen for moviemaking can do, Cynthia Stafford is determined to show what a “a mini-mogul” who got her funding from a big lottery win, can do.

In the last few months, as Ellison, daughter of billionaire Larry Ellison, has counted the profits and losses from such high-profile films as Kathryn Bigelow‘s “Zero Dark Thirty,” Paul Thomas Anderson‘s “The Master” and John Hillcoat‘s “Lawless,” Stafford has seen three of her own films come to the market.

Cynthia StaffordWith a smaller fund and less experience in the business, the former single mother of five from Hawthorne, Calif.,
