There’s been plenty of publishing-industry posturing to go along with the buzz since Apple announced the iPad in January.
SEE ALSO: Hey iPad Seekers: Line up Early Saturday

What may curb that geeky enthusiasm: reports that Hulu plans on testing a subscription (read: not free) model on the iPad.

David Granger, editor-in-chief of Hearst’s Esquire, has spent the better part of three years kicking and screaming about the industry’s lack of innovation when it comes to the printed magazine. And he’s been trying to move the needle, albeit with what some critics refer to as gimmicks (the industry’s first e-ink cover, “flip” cover, iPhone editions, novellas in the margins, etc.). Now, with the iPad, Granger has a legitimate chance to see some of his ideas come to life on a tablet screen. Hearst plans to charge $2.99 per issue of Esquire on the iPad, though it won’t be ready April 3.

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