Liz Cheney Gets the Last Laugh as Kari Lake Loses Arizona Gubernatorial Bid

Lake’s taunting “thank you” letter to Cheney for an ad opposing her Arizona campaign backfired

Liz Cheney Kari Lake
Liz Cheney and Kari Lake (Getty Images)

Rep. Liz Cheney got the last laugh Monday when she returned a short but powerful jab at failed Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake, who posted a super snarky “thank you” letter to the Wyoming congresswoman for taking out a TV ad urging Republicans not to vote for her.

“Your recent television ad urging Arizonans not to vote for me is doing just the opposite,” Lake wrote in the October letter, adding that her financial donations were “skyrocketing” after Cheney’s commercial.

Lake went on to poke fun at Cheney for losing the GOP primary for her seat in Wyoming to a pro-Trump candidate. “My team tells me your commercial should add another 10 points to our lead! I guess that’s why they call the Cheney endorsement the gift that keeps giving,” Lake snickered. “Thank you again for the huge boost to our campaign! Enjoy your forced retirement from politics.”

But on Monday, it was Cheney who got in the last word – and the last laugh — in a brief but biting response as it was becoming more clear that Lake was losing her gubernatorial bid against Katie Hobbs.

Cheney posted Lake’s October letter and tweeted: “You’re welcome.” 

Mic drop.

Monday night, the race for governor was called — Democrat Katie Hobbs was the winner. The current totals have Hobbs receiving 50.4% of the vote (1,265,331) to Lake’s 49.6% (1,244,850).
