Seth MacFarlane is clearly as bored in isolation as the rest of us. But lucky for him, he can entertain himself by doing the voices of two of the most popular characters in cartoon history: Stewie and Brian from “Family Guy.”
So, he followed in the footsteps of everyone else with an internet connection and started a podcast.
“Okay, we have played trivial pursuit until we memorized every clue, we have played candy land, we have played Sorry! — that’s how bored we are, we played Sorry! — so what’s left to do during quarantine but make a podcast!” MacFarlane said as the voice of Stewie in an audio clip he posted to his Instagram as an IGTV video.
“Oh, a podcast? That sounds hard,” said Brian.
“No Brian, it’s actually the easiest thing in the world,” Stewie replied.
“Well so, what do we do?” Brian asked.
“We talk about whatever’s relevant!” Stewie said.
Obviously, that includes Katy Perry’s pregnancy, Tom Brady’s move to Florida, and oh, yeah, the coronavirus.
“Since we are all quarantined at home, we thought we’d offer a few ways to keep yourself occupied until we can all go back to canceling dinner plans not because we might get sick but because it just sounds like a lot,” Stewie continued.
Brian agreed.
“Our goal is to help remind everyone that we can get through this with cooperation and togetherness,” he said, and then broke into a rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine” a la every other celebrity on the internet.
Thankfully, Stewie shut that one down real quick.
Listen to the rest of their conversation via the Instagram link below.