‘Lethal Weapon’ Picked Up for 2 More Episodes at Fox With Damon Wayans

Actor previously said he would depart the police drama in December

Lethal Weapon Damon Wayans Seann William Scott
Ray Mickshaw/FOX

Fox has ordered two additional episodes of “Lethal Weapon,” with Damon Wayans confirmed to return, TheWrap has learned.

The third season of the police drama will now total 15 episodes.

The news comes after Wayans spontaneously announced in an interview last week that he planned to quit the show in December because he was “too old” for the long days.

“I’m going to be quitting the show in December after we finish the initial 13 [episodes],” he told Electronic Urban Report. “I’m a 58-year-old diabetic and I’m working 16-hour days.”

The actor said at the time that he planned to “return to the stage” to “try to find my smile again.”
