In Comedy Central’s upcoming movie “Out of Office,” Ken Jeong and Leslie Jones star as a dysfunctional couple whose marriage increasingly unravels during work-from-home. And in a sneak peek scene, shared exclusively with TheWrap, the two characters go at it in a hilarious NSFW rage so all-encompassing that they forget the existence of several coworkers listening in via Zoom.
The minute-long clip opens with Jones’ character chucking a dirty porcelain plate at Jeong’s head: “If one of those shards of glass ends back up in my underwear drawer, I’m gonna take it and cut off your dick.”
While the eyebrow-raising threat elicits gasps and gapes from Kyle’s (Jeong) employees, he doesn’t lose a beat in answering, “That might be difficult, given your newfound allergy to dick.” In response, his wife hits back, “Your dick, Kyle. Your dick.” And the insults keep flying (watch the clip above).
A fresh take on the workplace comedy, “Out of Office” hails from “The Office” executive producers Ben Silverman and Paul Lieberstein. The movie — which also stars Jason Alexander, Cheri Oteri, Jay Pharoah, Milana Vayntrub and Oscar Nuñez — explores the blurred lines that occur during WFH, as a young woman named Eliza (Vayntrub) oversteps into her boss’ marriage in hopes of remaining employed. It is a MTV Entertainment Studios, CBS Studios and Propagate Content production, with stars Jeong and Pharoah also serving as EPs.
“Out of Office” will premiere on Comedy Central on Sept. 5 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.