Ex Disney Channel Star Leigh-Allyn Baker Goes on Anti-Mask Rant at Tennessee School Board Meeting (Video)

“Good Luck Charlie” actress brought copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Bible as “gifts” for the school board

Leigh-Allyn Baker
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“And if you catch COVID and end up on a ventilator, well, good luck Charlie.” Actress Leigh-Allyn Baker, best known for the Disney Channel series “Good Luck Charlie,” has come under fire for slamming school mask mandates and spreading vaccine misinformation.

A video from a Tennessee school board meeting (the same one that erupted into a threatening, chanting mob) is making the rounds Thursday due to Baker’s anti-mask rant. 

“My name is Leigh-Allyn Baker and I’m a California refugee,” she begins in the video, which you can see in the tweet below. “I gave up everything there: a really successful Hollywood career, television shows.
