Stop me if you’re heard this one before. Laura Ingraham opened her show on Fox News Friday night with a rant that dismissed the dangers of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Joe Biden are teaming up to “keep us under their thumbs for as long as possible.”
The death toll from COVID-19 in the United States will reach 500,000 within the next week. And Donald Trump was president when most of those deaths occurred — and repeatedly downplayed the severity of the crisis. The case and death rate has fallen steadily since Biden took office.
Yet the tenor among the Fox News stable of “opinion hosts” has remained the same, as Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have opposed any meaningful measures for containing the pandemic since the very beginning and have maintained that stance throughout. So keep that in mind as you read this.
“If you’re like me, you probably every now and then think back on what things were like just one year ago. Think of how many things have changed in the past year. A year ago we had a booming economy. We had strong borders and a whole host of rights and privileges that we took for granted,” Ingraham whined.
“Like the right to travel without being surveilled and questioned. The right to worship without restrictions. The right to have your kids attend school. The right to speak freely on most social media platforms. The right to walk in the park, or anywhere, without a mask or two or three on your face. The right to visit loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes.”
Ingraham, who once made what looked exactly like a Nazi salute at the Republican National Convention, then used a racist descriptor for COVID-19 that’s been popular with conservatives over the past year. (Incidentally, she later blamed criticism of her RNC hand gesture on “desperate liberals.”)
“But the arrival of the Chinese virus followed by the idiotic lockdown policies of blue state governors, and then of course the defeat of Donald Trump, led to a less free, less prosperous, less optimistic America. And listening to Joe Biden speaking today in Michigan, you couldn’t help but think that Biden and Fauci are gonna keep us under their thumbs for as long as possible,” Ingraham complained, referring to a speech in which Biden said he hoped everything would be mostly back to normal by this Christmas.
Ingraham kept the exaggerated warnings coming.
“There’s always going to be a reason to keep things closed and keep you living with less freedom. Viral mutations! Variances! A new strain from Africa. But the virus and the data — the real science — they’re not cooperating with the control freaks. Now, look at these charts. The number of infections, hospitalizations, the number of deaths due to COVID are plummeting,” Ingraham said as she reached her crescendo.
“Smart Americans see this,” she said. “And contrary to what the CDC director said this week, our citizens aren’t just suffering from COVID fatigue. It’s more than that. They’re seeing the truth slowly emerge about how Biden and company are plotting to forever change America and use the virus to do it.”
Ingraham never actually said what the Biden administration actually plans to do to America when they change it.
You can watch the quoted portion of Friday night’s episode of “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox News” in the video embedded up at the top of this article.