“The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” music producer Giovanni Cianci has been fired from the CBS late night show after being accused of sexual harassment, TheWrap has confirmed.
Cianci’s exit comes after L.A.-based musician Paige Stark posted a screenshot on Instagram in which she detailed a 2010 incident with Cianci. Stark said Cianci attempted “pushed (her) against the wall and tried to kiss (her)” in an elevator at the CMJ Music Festival and became “aggressive” after she resisted, later following her and a friend to a bar.
Cianci, who was employed by Lookout Management at the time, has been a music producer on “The Late Show” since 2017. An individual with knowledge of the situation confirmed that Cianci is no longer with the show.
“I told several friends and my boyfriend at the time but was too scared to come forward publicly,” Stark wrote in her July 22 Instagram post. “I blamed myself despite the fact that I did nothing to warrant Gio’s advances or aggression. Countless times I have seen men cover each other, call women crazy and shift blame. At the time this happened I felt no one would support or believe me. I was young and scared.”
She shared a screenshot of an email she sent to Cianci’s former (pre-Colbert) boss in 2017, at the height of the #MeToo movement. “I was surprised to receive no response despite the fact that we had emailed in the recent past,” she wrote.
“As I am reading the stories of other survivors of harassment and assault I feel concerned Gio has probably hurt other women, and will again,” Stark wrote.
Variety first reported the news.