Colbert Replaces Han in ‘Furious 7’ Funeral With a Dangerously Driving Goldfish (Video)

But Vin Diesel’s starring role remains, unflushed

vin diesel furious 7 funeral
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

The creative minds behind “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” Fake News Alerts were at it again this week, this time sending up the “Furious 7” funeral scene, with Vin Diesel memorializing a goldfish.

“They say to live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die,” utters Diesel in the familiar and melancholic line as Dominic Toretto.

But in the bit that aired Wednesday night on Colbert, Diesel stood atop a coffin that held a goldfish, taught by Israeli scientists to drive.

And drive it did – fastly, furiously and tragically.

The segment started with a news reader relaying the fake news du jour.

“They may be tiny, but goldfish are now learning to drive,” the fake news anchor says. “You heard that right. A team of scientists in Israel have built this fish-operated vehicle.”

During the reader, a graphic pointed out just how the vehicle works, with a fish tank taking the place of a car cabin. Perhaps most importantly, the brains of the operation are housed above and feature a camera, light detector and computer.

The satire then kicked off with a mock “Fast & Furious” trailer showcasing tricked-out sports cars jumping hills and of course Diesel eulogizing not Han Lue, as he did in “Furious 7,” but the goldfish, which after the screech of tires and an explosion, died a fiery death.

Watch the whole bit in a “Late Show” video here or below.
