Iliza Shlesinger, the Season 6 winner of “Last Comic Standing,” has been tapped to host TBS’s upcoming “Separation Anxiety,” which is being billed as “a comedic, relationship-based game show featuring a unique twist that isn’t revealed to contestants until after they’ve played the game.”
The series which has received a 14-episode order and will premiere in late 2015, is produced by 5×5 Media and Electus, which also produce “King of the Nerds” for TBS. 5×5’s Craig Armstrong, whose credits include “Survivor” and “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” is executive producing, along with Rick Ringbakk and Charles Wachter of 5×5 and Chris Grant of Electus.
Electus International will distribute the show internationally.
“What makes ‘Separation Anxiety’ such a fun, unique game show is the way it puts relationships to the test,” said David Eilenberg, senior vice president of unscripted series, specials and late night for TBS. “On top of having a great premise, ‘Separation Anxiety’ is hosted by Iliza Shlesinger, one of the hottest new comedians in the business. We’re very excited to be adding Iliza’s fresh and funny voice to TBS’s growing roster of comedy superstars.”
Shlesinger’s credits also include the Netflix comedy special “Freezing Hot” and the syndicated dating show “Excused.”
“We created ‘Separation Anxiety’ to be an exciting, unpredictable and totally irreverent take on the game show genre — one that we think audiences will love,” Armstrong and Ringbakk said. “We are thrilled the show has found a great home on TBS.”
Shlesinger is represented by APA and Avalon Management.