LA Prosecutor Declines to Charge Steven Seagal With Sexual Assault; Another Case Still Pending

A second sexual misconduct case involving actor is still being reviewed

steven seagal
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The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office announced on Tuesday that it has declined to press sexual assault charges against Steven Seagal.

The announcement came from the special task force created by the DA to investigate sexual assault allegations in Hollywood. The task force ruled that the statute of limitations had expired on the alleged assault, which the accuser says occurred in 1993 when she was 18 years old.

While the D.A.’s office did not identify the alleged victim, TheWrap first broke the story of an alleged 1993 assault back in January, with actress Regina Simons accusing Seagal of inviting her to a wrap party at his house for his film “On Deadly Ground.” But upon arrival, Seagal, who was the only person at the house, took her into a back room and assaulted her.

“He took me into this room and then just closed the door and started kissing me,” she said. “He then took my clothes off and before I knew it he was on top of me, raping me.”

“The only way I’m able to describe it is I literally felt like I left my body. I think because of the situation I was completely caught off guard,” Simons added. “Tears were coming down my face and I know that it hurt. He was three times my size.”

The task force is still reviewing a second sexual misconduct case involving Seagal that was sent by the Beverly Hills Police Department in January. The LAPD is also currently investigating a sexual assault claim against the actor that allegedly occurred in 2005. More than a dozen women have accused Seagal of sexual misconduct.

Seagal has previously denied all accusations, saying that his accusers had “lied and been paid to lie about me without any evidence, any proof, any witnesses.”

The task force also announced Tuesday that it was declining charges related to sexual assault allegations against Kevin Spacey and Anthony Anderson. The Spacey case, which concerned claims of an assault that occurred in 1992, was also declined due to the statute of limitations, while the Anderson case was declined because the accuser declined to be interviewed by investigators.
