L.A. County Added 21,600 Showbiz Jobs in Past Year

“Motion picture and sound recording” accounts for nearly all of the jobs added in the county year-over-year

The entertainment industry is providing a surprising bright spot in the dim economic picture of Los Angeles County, according to statistics compiled by the Labor Market Information Division of the State Employment Development Division.

With total nonfarm unemployment at a seasonally adjusted 12.2 percent for the month of June, versus 11.7 percent for June 2009, Los Angeles County has been suffering.

However, "arts, entertainment and recreation" was one of the growth areas for June, adding 1,000 jobs during the month. Leisure and hospitality posted the largest gain (up 3,400), with accommodation and food services adding 2,400 jobs.

Year-over-year, Los Angeles County nonfarm employment declined by 65,600, or 1.7 percent. "Information" was the only industry that gained jobs over the year, adding 23,900 jobs. With 21,600 added jobs, "motion picture and sound recording" accounted for almost all of that gain.

Filming days increased 16 percent in the second quarter of 2010, according to statistics released last week by FilmL.A.
