‘The Killing’: Another ‘Battlestar Galactica’ Connection

A third “Galactica” cast member shows up on AMC’s murder mystery

Bold, totally insane prediction: Edward James Olmos will appear out of the blue in the season finale of "The Killing" this Sunday as Rosie Larsen's murderer.

Also read: 'The Killing': Plenty of Red Herrings, but Whodunit, Really?

Okay, so that's never going to happen — but what else is a "Battlestar Galactica" fan to think after last night's penultimate episode brought in another former cast member, this time in the form of Tahmoh Penikett?

Penikett (above, left), who played passionate Galactica officer Karl "Helo" Agathon on the 2004-09 Syfy series, turned up midway through the episode as Detective Sarah Linden's ex-husband.
