Two Men Accuse Kevin Spacey of Sexual Harassment

Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos and director Tony Montana come forward

Kevin Spacey House of Cards how they wrote frank underwood out

Mexican actor Robert Cavazos and director Tony Montana have come forward to say Kevin Spacey sexually harassed them, with Montana saying Spacey once grabbed his genitals and declared, “This designates ownership.”

The men came forward after Spacey’s series “House of Cards” indefinitely halted production following actor Anthony rap’s accusation that Spacey made a sexual advance on him in 1986, when Spacey was 26 and he was only 14.

Spacey issued an apology and said he didn’t remember the events Rapp described. He has been criticized for coming out as gay at the same time he apologized — many critics have pointed out that one has nothing to do with the other.

A rep for Spacey did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment on the two new accusations.

Cavazos posted on Facebook that Spacey made inappropriate advances towards him at The Old Vic Theatre during his 12-year run as artistic director.

“I myself had a couple of unpleasant encounters with Spacey that were on the edge of being considered assault,” Cavazos wrote in Spanish on his Facebook page.

“In fact, if I was a woman, I probably wouldn’t have doubted in identifying them as such, but I guess the lack of a direct or aggressive action led me to justify the incident as ‘one of those things,’” the 35-year-old actor said.

Cavazos said that Spacey’s inappropriate behavior was commonplace. “There are many of us who have a ‘Kevin Spacey story.’ It seems like you only needed to be a man under 30 for him to feel free to touch us. It was so common that it turned into a (very bad) joke amongst us,” he went on.

“I can’t recall how many people told me the same story: Spacey would ask them to meet to ‘talk about their career.’ When they got to the theater, he had a beautifully lit picnic ready on stage with champagne,” he wrote. “Each story varies in how far the picnic went, but the pattern was the same. It was more common to find Spacey at the bar of his theater, cornering whoever caught his attention. That’s what happened to me the second encounter. I never let anything happen, but know of a few who were too scared to stop him.”

The Old Vic Theatre released a statement Tuesday saying it was “deeply dismayed” by the allegations against Spacey, and opened a confidential tip line for accusers to  employees and associates of the theatre to file complaints.

“Inappropriate behaviour by anyone working at The Old Vic is completely unacceptable,” a statement issued by the theatre said. “We aim to foster a safe and supportive environment without prejudice, harassment or bullying of any sort, at any level … Any behaviour we become aware of which contravenes these goals will not be tolerated.”

Director Tony Montana told Radar that Spacey groped him at the Coronet Pub in 2003. Montana confirmed the story he told to Radar with TheWrap.

“I went up to order a drink and Kevin came up to me and put his arm around me,” Montana told Radar. “He was telling me to come with him, to leave the bar. He put his hand on my crotch forcefully and grabbed my whole package.”

Montana said that Spacey then told him, “This designates ownership.”

Montana said he paid for his drink and tried to get away, but Spacey followed him to the restroom.

“I backed him out the door and I pushed him,” Montana said. “One of his friends was in line and I said, ‘It’s time to take your boy home.’ They all ended up leaving.’”

Montana said that he hasn’t talked about the incident except in therapy, but after Rapp came forward, he felt it was time.

“I never talked to anyone about it except for therapists,” he said. “I had PTSD for six months after. It was an emasculating thing for someone to do to me. Whenever I went to the bar I would see if he was there or have my back against the wall.”

“This wasn’t something people were talking about openly,” he continued. “It still feels awkward. I still feel what I felt then. I put it into the back of my mind until I saw him come forward. When you’re trying to accomplish something in the industry, you have things that inspire you, that can help move you forward. You have set backs and haunted experiences. No matter what happens you have to keep going.”
