In the latest David and Goliath battle to be waged thanks to the viral power of Twitter, filmmaker Kevin Smith delivered a livid series of tweets on Saturday night, saying he was thrown off a Southwest Airlines flight because of his weight.

Meanwhile, Smith’s fans and followers – 1.6 million strong – exploded in a rage, despite the southwest airlines tweeter (@southwestair), apologizing profusely, and repeatedly:
@ThatKevinSmith hey Kevin! I’m so sorry for your experience tonight! Hopefully we can make things right, please follow so we may DM!
By the way, @southwestair has plenty of Twitter power of its own: 1 million followers.
A tiny sampling of the anti-Southwest tweeting that went on late into Saturday night:
- invisiblejet RT @ThatKevinSmith: Hey @SouthwestAir! I’ve landed in Burbank. Don’t worry: wall of the plane was opened & I was airlifted out while Richard Simmons supervised.