Kevin Hart Cannot Believe Conan’s Body: ‘It’s So White!’ (Video)

Duo try out sumo wrestling for Hart’s new TV show “What the Fit”

Conan O’Brien is probably not going to be joining Kevin Hart at the beach anytime soon.

On Tuesday, Hart mercilessly mocked the TBS host’s skin tone: “It’s so white!” he yelled after forcing Conan to pull up his shirt.

The whole appearance was an extension of an episode they filmed for Hart’s “What the Fit” TV show, in which the two funnymen tried out some real sumo wrestling, skimpy getup and all.

While three-quarters naked together, a lot of the segment’s laughs came at the expense of O’Brien’s body, Hart recalled on Tuesday’s “Conan.”

“I’ve never seen — I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “I’ve seen versions of pale, but this…”

Watch the video above.
