Kelly Osbourne Sings a Different Tune About Giuliana Rancic After Apology to Zendaya

Guess Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter isn’t leaving “Fashion Police” after all

Giuliana Kelly Zendaya

On Tuesday, Kelly Osbourne was threatening to quit “Fashion Police” over co-star Giuliana Rancic‘s comment about actress Zendaya’s Oscars red carpet dreadlocks. By Thursday, Ozzy’s daughter was singing a different tune: one of the “this too shall pass” variety — a hashtag she implemented in praising both fellow females.

“It takes a strong women to apologize & makes a forgiving women even stronger! #ThisTooShallPass,” Osbourne wrote this morning.

As Osbourne referenced, Zendaya has accepted Rancic’s apology, capping her forgiveness with a Martin Luther King Jr. quote. The actress had publicly expressed her displeasure previously, calling Rancic’s comment “ignorant.” Osbourne reacted strongly too.

On Monday’s “Fashion Police,” Rancic recapped the Oscars red carpet with her colleagues, saying of Zendaya’s hair: “I feel like she smells like patchouli oil and weed.”

That didn’t go over too well, though Rancic’s co-workers chuckled at the time.

Here is Osbourne’s latest tweet on the matter:

Below is Rancic’s apology on the social media site. Later, she’d issue an on-air mea culpa to Zendaya:

Previously, Osbourne tweeted the following:

Here is Zendaya’s lengthy post:
