Kelly Clarkson Gets Candid About ‘Pre-Diabetic’ Diagnosis Before Weight Loss: ‘I Wasn’t Shocked’ | Video

The singer and talk show host says she “waited two years” before becoming proactive about losing weight

Singer Kelly Clarkson, a woman with light-toned skin and blonde hair, wears a black top and multiple necklaces, mostly gold.
Kelly Clarkson (Getty Images)

Kelly Clarkson opened up about receiving an early diagnosis for diabetes before she went on her journey to lose weight.

The conversation came up during a taping of her talk show “The Kelly Clarkson Show” while chatting with show guest Kevin James. The comedian and actor was there to promote his new comedy special “Irregardless,” when he mentioned that the singer looked “great.”

“Well, I was told I was pre-diabetic. That was literally what happened. They were like — and I was like, well, I wasn’t shocked,” Clarkson said. “I was a tiny bit overweight. But I wasn’t shocked by it. They did, they were like, ‘You’re pre-diabetic. You’re right on the borderline.’ I was like, ‘But I’m not there yet.’ Then I waited two years, and then did, however, move into the, ‘OK I’ll do something about it.’”

Clarkson and her weight loss also became a topic for discussion when she appeared on the “Today” show. At the time, Clarkson shared that she was taking her health more seriously.

“Walking in the city is quite the workout,” Clarkson said at the time, detailing how she’s also been using infrared saunas. “And I just got a cold plunge because everybody wore me down.”

And as far as the food she’s consuming, Clarkson previously said she eats a “healthy mix” and didn’t kick meat products to the curb.

“I dropped weight because I’ve been listening to my doctor — a couple years I didn’t. And 90% of the time I’m really good at it because a protein diet is good for me anyway. I’m a Texas girl, so I like meat — sorry, vegetarians in the world!” Clarkson said while adding that she still spoils herself every now and again.

“The other night I had frozen yogurt with my daughter, and it was magical.”

For James, whose special drops on Prime on Jan. 23, weight loss has been a top priority for him as well, as he’s making a movie that’s centered him getting back in shape for a role he’d filmed while he was a few pounds lighter.

James told Jimmy Fallon during an appearance on “The Tonight Show” that he dropped to 230 pounds to play a priest in a “serious” horror film and then ended up packing about 40 to 50 pounds back on after shooting. The issue came when production needed him to re-film some scenes.

“We shot it like a year ago, and I thought we were done with it, and I packed on like 40 to 50 pounds, in the off-season, and they called me back and said, ‘We gotta do a couple re-shots,’ and I’m like, I go, ‘I don’t know how we’re going to do this unless this priest got stung by a bee.”

He continued, saying that the documentary is a “real” project. “So now we’re actually shooting a documentary to see if I can get back in shape,” James said. “This is the start right now.”

Watch the full clip below.


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