Katharine McPhee Agrees With ‘Smash’ Haters, Fans Reel in Disbelief

A Twitter meme is causing an uproar with fans of the two-season drama

Katharine McPhee
Christopher Polk/Getty Images for Paw Works, Inc.

“Smash” fans have beef with series star Katharine McPhee.

McPhee joined in Sunday on a popular Twitter meme: “If you don’t love me at my [first image] then you don’t deserve me at my [second image].” It’s a play on the quote often misattributed to Marilyn Monroe, “If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

Here’s McPhee’s version of the meme:

The actress is currently starring in the Broadway production “Waitress,” but fans were confused about why she would call her role as Karen Cartwright on “Smash” her worst. The NBC show aired from 2012-2013 for two seasons, and while it didn’t last long, still has a legion of loyal fans.

Some fans were straight up offended: “do NOT slander miss karen cartwright like this,” one user said.

Others pointed out that even if “Smash” wasn’t necessarily great, it still helped McPhee’s career. “She does realize if it weren’t for Smash she wouldn’t have Waitress, right?” another user said. “Before Smash, she was just the girl who didn’t win American Idol.”

But some fans said that McPhee’s tweet wasn’t being understood: “think a lot of people are misunderstanding the intent here. Pretty sure she’s alluding to the failure of one show (Smash, cancelled after two seasons) & the success of another (Waitress).”

See more reaction to McPhee’s tweet below.







